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January Fat Bird Woman Highlight: Susanne Goldstein with Mariposa Healing Center

Mariposa Healing Center

1. The Nest's Genesis: Tell us about the "a-ha" moment that led to the creation of your business. What inspired you to spread your wings in the world of entrepreneurship?

Butterflies… They represent transition and transformation.  I had this deep knowing that I needed to spread my wings and create a space that represented safety, connection and transformation in a private practice setting.  A place where individuals are met with compassion and space to bring in all parts of themselves. I was at an antique show and came across a print that said, “Just living isn’t enough, said the butterfly. One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower".    And I knew that this was my journey to open Mariposa Healing Center.  That print is a focus of how I built this practice and still is center on the wall today.  

2. Wingtip to Wingtip: In a nutshell, what does your business do? How does it soar above the rest in your industry?

I am a Licensed Professional Counselor that specializes in treating complex and developmental trauma and the symptoms of trauma. In my work, there is an emphasis on understanding the neuroscience of trauma and then treating the brain and nervous system to come back to its natural state of homeostasis.  I offer somatic and attachment-focused EMDR Intensive programs blending in Internal Family Systems, mindfulness, and movement.  Another offering at Mariposa Healing Center is Neurofeedback.  This is a type of biofeedback that looks at which parts of the brain are deficient and helps train the brain back to a state of balance.  

3. Flight Plan: Entrepreneurship is a journey full of turbulence and smooth glides. What have been the most rewarding and challenging parts of your entrepreneurial flight so far?

Entrepreneurship is exciting and also a journey of navigating fears. I think one of the most important challenges for me was to learn to set firm boundaries. To make sure I’m putting my oxygen mask on first and engaging in restoration which I’m still learning about along the way. There’s a great book called The E Myth by Michael Gerber that I read years ago. It teaches us to let go and delegate, sometimes a challenger for sure.  I put the right people in place to provide guidance on the things that I knew the least; this helped guide Mariposa Healing Center to become a successful private practice.  Fat Bird Marketing being one of those key players!

4. Feathered Leaders: Who are your top bird mentors? Share how these influential figures have guided you in your business endeavors.

My mentors start with my parents, who instilled hard work and to always follow my dreams. I have a couple of close entrepreneur friends who walked me through the challenges of being a business owner. So, when I encountered those challenges, they felt a bit familiar. I also made professional connections and supported other like-minded therapists who ultimately supported me, which led to a lot of word-of-mouth referrals.

5. Marketing Migration: Fat Bird Marketing is all about effective strategies. How has your unique branding taken flight? Share a standout marketing strategy that gave your business wings.

Fat Bird supported me in rebuilding a beautiful website for Mariposa Healing Center. And put magical SEO in my website which has brought people to me from all over the country to work in my Intensive model. Janey also spent lots of creative time building a new website for Mariposa called A Return to Wholeness.  This site focuses on a group offering that has a blend of trauma healing and restorative yoga.      There’s a relational component in my branding that is essential to people seeking healing.  Fat Bird has also helped rebrand manuals and created a social media marketing campaign for Return to Wholeness.  

6. Breaking Eggshells: We've all faced naysayers and doubts. How did you overcome adversity and self-doubt on your path to success?

Following my intuition has always told me to keep moving forward. Learning to live in the present moment through meditation and mindfulness has helped mitigate the challenges of the future.   Using the breath brings us back to life every moment of every day. There’s also this idea of just meeting people with kindness. Even the difficult challengers present opportunity to show up differently without getting hooked into the dynamics that are unhealthy. 

7. Sky's the Limit: What's the next big adventure for your business? Share your loftiest goals and aspirations – after all, the sky's the limit!

So many big adventures in my mind!  And there is a part of me that wants to keep it intimate and sustainable.  I am always thinking of how to create something bigger and then I move to appreciation and gratitude for what I have created. Stay tuned as I will be launching The Return To Wholeness group offering soon.

8. Avian Work-Life Harmony: Balancing nest-building and personal life can be a juggling act. What are your tried-and-true methods for maintaining a harmonious work-life balance?

Juggling is something I am great at doing!  I know how to work hard but what I have learned over the years is that I have to restore.  Meditation and yoga are big components in my life that have created my own transformation.   I have wonderful friends and I appreciate my friend time.  I also love being in nature with my husband and our dogs.

9. Chirp-Worthy Advice: If you could share a single piece of advice with budding women entrepreneurs, what would it be? Condense your wisdom into tweet-worthy excellence!

Follow your gut, and even when it gets difficult, keep moving forward!  Trust yourself that you have the courage to make great things happen.  What you say to yourself becomes your truth, and what you believe about yourself becomes your reality.  Step by step!  

10. Flight of Gratitude: Spread your wings and let appreciation soar. Who would you like to extend a heartfelt thank you to for helping you reach new heights in your entrepreneurial journey?

I thank all of those amazing people who believed in me.  Who listened wholeheartedly to my ideas and challenges.  And for Fat Bird for helping create the beauty that have drawn people to the essence of what I offer. 

11. A Chirp Above The Rest: Lastly, we would love to hear from you about our services. Please write a short testimonial about your experience with Fat Bird Marketing.

Janey and Lisa have been superb partners to work with, and they are responsive.  I appreciate the creative aspect that they bring!  When I first met them, I felt a different vibe.  They were friendly and attentive, and most importantly, they actually listened to me. They took the time to understand my business, my target audience, and my vision for the revamped and new websites. They are eager to journey along side of me when I bring something new to the table. Love working with these ladies!

Click the link to learn more about Susanne and Mariopsa Healing Center!

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